Local Council Consultancy (LCC) offers a range of services from audits, to project management, strategic plans, job evaluations, staffing reviews, selection & recruitment and more.
We also have a locum service providing you with support if you have a vacancy, sickness, maternity cover, absence or an influx of work! Being part of SLCC, we understand your needs and are happy to chat to you to see how we can help.
This Meet The Team session is an opportunity for you to drop in and say hello to the team, find out more about what we do and ask any questions you may have.
Thursday 5 December, 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Members: FREE
Non-Members: FREE
CPD points
There are no CPD points available for this session.
Joining instructions will be sent to you approximately 3 weeks before the event (please check your spam inbox).
About the Trainers
Debra Harper
Debra Harper is the Head of LCC, Debra has experience from managerial and consultancy roles in both the public and private sectors while being an experienced CiLCA qualified town clerk. The LCC team’s ethos of profit for purpose is a unique and rewarding proposition. Debra defines the LCC as a business with a difference.
Yvonne Colverson
Yvonne has been a clerk for nearly 18 years working with small parish councils and larger town councils. Yvonne has also worked as a locum with the LCC so understands the challenges this can bring, both to the clerk and the council. Yvonne is now the first point of contact for councils needing a locum, and clerks wishing the join the LCC’s locum team.
Angela Meek
Angela is an LCC officer with a varied and interesting role managing all aspects of LCC’s consultancy work. Angela is also involved in developing the LCC’s associate and locum network. She has worked for the LCC for 2 years and has a local government background.
Wrong time? Wrong place?
SLCC is always keen to respond to members’ needs for training. If you would like to register an interest in having a particular course delivered via webinar or in your region, please let us know.