2023 IIMC Official Voting Ballot for Proposed Constitutional Amendments

12 July 2023

SLCC members should have received an email from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) to take part in the 2023 IIMC Official Voting Ballot for Proposed Constitutional Amendments. As you may know, full members of SLCC are automatically members of IIMC and, in fact, represent about one third of its global membership, so the votes of SLCC members matter in this ballot.

Despite its dry description, some of the changes in the constitution are of direct relevance to English and Welsh clerks. These are proposed to the membership by the IIMC Board and, by actively engaging in the decision-making process, members can help shape policies and practices that directly impact their work and the profession as a whole.

The ballot is online and doesn’t take long to complete.

The SLCC’s link director to IIMC, Michael King, is urging members to click on the email and not ignore the opportunity to demonstrate our ability to influence the policy direction of the IIMC. Speaking about the ballot, he said, “Taking part in this ballot gives us an opportunity to shape the future of our profession, advocate for the needs of English and Welsh clerks, foster collaboration and networking, and contribute to the overall strengthening of the profession across the World.”

Click here to visit the IIMC website.

General Sector NewsIIMC