Monday 5 July, 11:30am – 11:45am
CPD points
There are no CPD points available for this session but it will give you an opportunity to ask questions and offer ideas of what training you would like to see offered!

Unfortunately, All Things Training – Chat with Tasha – 5 July FREE is now fully booked
Session outline
This will be a very informal session, and an opportunity for you to have a chat about anything related to general training.
Perhaps there’s something you’re not certain of in terms of attending virtual events, or maybe you have other things you’d like to find out about but weren’t sure who to approach.
Whether you have questions to ask, suggestions for new training topics you’d like / need, or just want to pop in to say “hi” and meet your Training & Development Officer at the SLCC, you’re more than welcome.
If you have queries regarding ILCA, CiLCA, or Community Governance, we have Qualifications drop-in sessions available here, where you’ll be able to speak with an expert.
I look forward to meeting you virtually.
Natasha Studer, SLCC Training and Development Officer.
Wrong time? Wrong subject?
The SLCC is always keen to respond to members’ needs for training. If you would like to register an interest in having a particular course delivered via webinar or in your region, please click here to complete an ‘expression of interest’.