Are you fresh to the world of clerking, and not sure where to begin in your exciting new career path?
Perhaps you’re looking to apply for a clerking role, and need a little advice on what might strengthen your application?
Or maybe you’re already well established as a clerk and wish to progress in your career, but are a little lost on the next steps to take to get to where you want to go?
Whatever the case, this informal session provides the opportunity to get a little guidance on the things that matter most to you in your career development.

Monday 12 September, 11:00am – 11:30am
The cost for this webinar is:
SLCC Members – Free
Non-Members – Free
CPD points
There are no CPD points available for this session.
Joining instructions will be sent to you 3 weeks before the event and your invoice will be sent before the event. We advise that, on receipt of the joining instructions, you are liable for any fees incurred in order to attend the event.

About the Trainer
Johnathan Bourne is an honours graduate in Public Administration, has 36 years’ experience working in the local council sector, recently retiring from the position of Town Clerk in Royal Wootton Bassett.
A member of the SLCC, he represented Wiltshire clerks for 15 years, spending 4 years as chair, where he represented the SLCC both nationally and internationally.
Now widely regarded as one of the sectors leading practitioners, he shares his experience playing an active role as a tutor in Community Governance.

Wrong time? Wrong place?
SLCC is always keen to respond to members’ needs for training. If you would like to register an interest in having a particular course delivered via webinar or in your region, please let us know.