Wednesday 17th June, from 2:00pm – 3:00pm
The cost for this session is: £20 + VAT
CPD points
Claim 1 CPD point for attending!

Webinar Content
Designed for students who have already attended face-to-face, CiLCA training with SLCC or their County Association, each 60-minute webinar will cover one unit and, to provide individual support, each webinar will cater for a maximum of 6 delegates.
We would ask that students who receive training and mentoring through their County Association to contact them in the first instance to find out if they are offering a similar virtual service.
Webinar delegates are advised to come prepared to ask questions and share their thoughts.
Unfortunately, CiLCA Support Webinar – Unit 3 – 17th June is now fully booked
About the Mentor
Kim Bedford has many years’ experience in retail, joining the sector as a clerk for a small Parish Council, becoming County Officer for Gloucestershire over a 10 year period. During which, she also became a Parish Councillor. –‘Looked at life from both sides now’! Currently delivering training for several County Associations for Clerks and Councillors and providing tailor made sessions if required. Kim gained her CiLCA qualification some years ago and using her sector experience, has mentored students for a number of years and continues to do so, being keen to encourage all to become professional, and confident in their roles.
Wrong time? Wrong subject?
The SLCC is always keen to respond to members’ needs for training. If you would like to register an interest in having a particular course delivered via webinar or in your region, please click here to complete an ‘expression of interest’.