6th July, 11:30am – 1:00pm
Webinar duration: 1.5 hours
The cost for this webinar is:
SLCC Members – £60 + VAT
Non-Members – £70 + VAT
CPD points
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Though many parish councils have already declared a climate emergency, the vast majority have not. Even where a parish council has already made a declaration, many are modelled on the wording used by local authorities, and this may be less suitable for a parish council (where the levers of influence and focus of action is different). This webinar will discuss, with examples, what makes a good climate emergency declaration with a specific focus on parish and town councils
We will also introduce a suggested process for action planning. Action planning works well in advance of making a climate emergency declaration, as it can produce a high-level action plan that can form the basis of the body of a declaration (making it easy for the local community to understand what the council intends to do). For councils that have already made a declaration, action planning will be vital for shaping work going forward.

About the Trainers
Rachel Coxcoon, Programme Director, Climate Emergency Support
Rachel has 15 years of experience in sustainable energy, and played a pivotal role in developing CSE’s work on community energy and low carbon planning. She has particular skills and understanding regarding the planning system, sustainable energy in heritage settings, and the central role of community consultation and consent as a foundation of successful local projects.
Rachel is also experienced in working with central government departments (e.g. BEIS, MHCLG and Defra) as an advisor and project manager. A skilled public speaker and trainer representing CSE in the media and at events, with a critical eye for the development of high-quality resources (including CSE’s multi award-winning PlanLoCaL pack).
Megan Blyth, Senior Project Worker
Megan has experience in quantitative and qualitative research and analysis, literature review and communication around the topics of environment, society and energy. Megan is primarily involved in CSE’s youth programme: mentoring young participants, research, recruitment, updating the website and social media account, and producing engagement and training materials. She’s also led the development phase of CSE’s climate emergency support programme for parishes, through identifying networks of local councils and giving presentations to local groups.

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