24th February, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Webinar duration: 1.5 hours
The cost for webinar is:
SLCC Members – £60 + VAT
Non-Members – £70 + VAT
CPD points
Claim 1 CPD point for attending!
Joining instructions will be sent to you 3 weeks before the event and your invoice will be sent before the event. We advise that, on receipt of the joining instructions, you are liable for any fees incurred in order to attend the event.

Bulk Buy Schemes, Community Transport, Community Renewable Energy
There are now many hundreds of community energy projects active in the UK, ranging from joint venture shares in a wind farm to local domestic energy advice schemes, green open homes and bulk insulation schemes, car sharing clubs, community buses powered by community-owned solar farms and everything in between.
CSE has extensive experience of supporting community energy projects at all scales, and has run various nationally recognised projects supporting community based renewable energy developments, fuel poverty campaigns, energy efficiency rollouts and innovative community energy projects.
This webinar will give parish clerks a high level overview of:
- the depth and breadth of community energy activity, with a focus on what can best be achieved at the parish scale
- how to identify projects that will lead to the highest levels of carbon reduction and community buy in given limited resources
- sources of funding and support available to get community energy schemes off the ground

About the Trainers
Bridget Newbery, Senior Project Manager, Communities
Bridget has extensive experience in project delivery, with nearly 10 years in the sustainable energy sector. She focuses on community-scale approaches to bring about change, and has a thorough understanding of the challenges facing community groups, local perceptions of climate change, and the various approaches successfully adopted by groups to achieve change. Bridget co-chaired Bristol Green Capital’s Energy Action Group and has volunteered with several Bristol community energy groups.
A qualified project manager with 15 years of experience, Bridget has worked extensively in developing partnership projects with the public, private and voluntary sector. Her work routinely involves the development of training and project planning materials.
Megan Blyth, Senior Project Worker
Megan has experience in quantitative and qualitative research and analysis, literature review and communication around the topics of environment, society and energy. Megan is primarily involved in CSE’s youth programme: mentoring young participants, research, recruitment, updating the website and social media account, and producing engagement and training materials. She’s also led the development phase of CSE’s climate emergency support programme for parishes, through identifying networks of local councils and giving presentations to local groups.

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