
Come along to this short 45-minute session to get a taster of the SLCC’s Carbon Literacy Qualification workshop. You get a guide on how to put together a climate action plan (perhaps modifying your neighbourhood plan). You will find out how to engage other councillors in supporting projects which will bring great benefits to the community.

You will find out lots about what other councils have done and where they found the money. You will learn how to engage the community in a thriving movement who will save energy, make homes cosier, improve local transport, stop waste and save Nature. You will be able to create a sustainable NPPF. There is a huge (r)evolution on its way.

As one clerk put it “The Carbon Literacy Qualification delivered by Save Our Shropshire for the SLCC is simply inspirational and a must for all Clerks and Officers employed by Town and Parish Councils”.


Thursday 5 September, 12:00pm – 12:45pm


Members: FREE
Non-Members: FREE

CPD points

There are no CPD points available for this session.

Joining instructions will be sent to you approximately 3 weeks before the event (please check your spam inbox).

About the Trainers

Allan Wilson

Allan co-founded Save Our Shropshire CIO (SOS) in July 2021, a charity dedicated to increasing people’s understanding of Climate Change. SOS provides education to Householders and Parish/Town Councils to enable them to make lifestyle changes to achieve a net-zero carbon future in Shropshire.

Allan had a 31-year career in the Police Force until 2015. As part of his service, he provided 3-day courses in drink/drug driving and rehabilitation, to bring about behaviour change.

Since retirement in 2015, he has been actively involved in his passionate concern for the environment. He co-founded the Edgmond Wildlife Trust to increase biodiversity and protect the parish where he lives. In 2017 he created a hedgehog preservation organisation. He became a parish councillor and then was elected to become chair of the council in 2019. He was also elected to become vice-chair of the Shropshire Association of Local councils, holding the portfolio responsibility for climate change matters. Allan has presented to councils extensively on their responsibilities under the Climate change Act 2008.

He gained an MBA from Wolverhampton University.


Allan Wilson - Save Our Shropshire

Richard Watkins

Richard co-founded Save Our Shropshire in July 2021. He gained Carbon Literacy certification in 2020 and pledged to get involved in the fight against the effects of Climate Change. His enthusiasm builds on the power of education to bring about transformational behaviour change. His driving force is the need to pass on a safe environment for grandchildren.

For the previous 30 years, he provided education and consultancy for manufacturing companies, which helped big and small businesses change their systems, processes and culture. Clients saw phenomenal improvements in the way that they performed, improving customer service and improving profitability. At its core, the consultancy drove behaviour change.

Between 1978 and 1990 he worked for ICI Agrochemicals in a global marketing tole, and in a project team which transformed the business performance of the division. After university, he worked in industrial marketing with Tube Investments Ltd.

He gained an MBA from London Business School, and an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

Richard Watkins - Save Our Shropshire

Sarah Battarbee

Sarah was at the Department for Education for most of her working life. When she retired she became the Parish Clerk in her small village. Concern about the world we were leaving to our children, coupled with time and resources to do something about it, led Sarah to working with the Parish Council and community to declare a climate emergency and develop a supporting action plan.

Sarah completed the Carbon Literacy training in May (2023) and her pledge is to get at least two EV charging points in her village, saving 40 tonnes of carbon a year.

Sarah lives happily but too carbon-intensively with her husband and two dogs in the Peak District. Her carbon footprint is about average for the UK, and admits there’s still a long way to go for her to get to net zero but she’s working on it.


Allan, Richard and Sarah will also be joined by Caelan Knight, Local Authorities Coordinator, The Carbon Literacy Project.


Sarah Battarbee

Wrong time? Wrong place?

SLCC is always keen to respond to members’ needs for training. If you would like to register an interest in having a particular course delivered via webinar or in your region, please let us know.

Expressions of Interest 2022