Booking for this event has now closed.
Join the one-day, virtual summits for an opportunity to engage with the latest advice and guidance relating to climate change, finance, community engagement or standards and wellbeing.
Sector experts will lead the themed sessions encouraging in-depth discussion and debate for a stimulating and vibrant event, all from the comfort of your home or office.
Open to clerks, deputy clerks, Responsible Financial Officers from councils of any size across England and Wales, and anyone with an interest in the local council sector.
What’s in it for you?
- Gain a high-level introduction to how VAT applies to local councils
- Examine how you can streamline and improve how your budget setting
- Look at budgets in relation to the important annual task of precept setting
- Think about the importance of assessing budgets for the Medium Term and how decisions can affect your future financial position
- Explore a practitioners experience of working within the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) structure

A closer look at your sessions...
Alan Mellor, SLCC National Finance Advisor
Alan served as Town Clerk at Newark Town Council for 12 years prior to recent retirement, and was a Midlands representative on the SLCC Board since its inception. He has worked in local government across his whole career, starting as a CIPFA qualified accountant to becoming the Section 151 Officer in a District Council and ending up as a Chief Executive.

Nick Burrows – Director and Head of Indirect Taxes
Nick has been working in VAT for over 30 years and has specialised in Public Sector VAT since 1994. He has, in particular, advised local, police and fire authorities, NHS bodies, NDPBs, government departments and agencies and third sector bodies.
Nick has led VAT advice nationally on a wide range of Public Sector issues and helped shape HMRC policy in a number of key areas.

Richard Strevens – Principal Indirect Taxes Consultant
Richard has been specialising in public sector VAT for over 25 years. He joined PSTAX in March 2009 and advises on VAT and SDLT issues for all tiers of local government, as well as other public authorities and agencies and third sector bodies. Richard is the author of the Town and Parish Councils VAT Guide.

Caroline Buckland & Kevin Hicks, Rialtas Business Solutions
Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd has a nationwide network of over 1000 Town, Parish and Community Councils using our Accounting and Administration Solutions. Our business objective is to provide quality services and solutions, since our inception in 1996.
Today our team comprises talented Solutions Developers, Experienced and Knowledgeable Trainers, Skilled Administrators and Accounting Specialists. We have extensive knowledge of Local Government and Commercial Accounting and Administration practice, and are therefore able to advise and instruct on some of the more complicated accounting aspects. We also understand the importance of knowledgeable Solution Support Engineers who will hold your hand through the processes, and only take a back seat when you feel confident to go it alone.
We pride ourselves on being able to offer the right Solution whatever the size of the Town, Parish or Community Council. Whether you require Accounting or Administration solutions.

Linda Larter MBE, BA (Hons), FILCM
Linda Larter has been a Parish / Town Clerk for over 25 years working with councils varying in population sizes from 250 to 70,000 plus. Linda has a related degree and is a Fellow of the Institute of Local Council Management. In 2000 the Millennium Commission nominated Linda for an MBE for a Community Centre project.

Lisa Roberts, SLCC Advisor
Lisa Roberts has been a Clerk/RFO for a small parish near Chichester for 12 years, whilst working as a Finance Manager for a national charity. Having worked in Project Management, developing Standards and Environmental Management qualifications for a National Training Organisation, it was a natural step into bookkeeping and finance while having children at home. Having been self employed as a Certified Bookkeeper and Locum, Lisa has considered budgets large and small in many sectors, from daffodil farms; pubs and restaurants; local authority; and international sales & motor racing.

7 September 2022, 9:45am – 4:15pm
Members: £45 + VAT
Non-members: £90 + VAT
Bring along a fellow clerk, officer or councillor and get their non-member place for £45 + VAT!
CPD Points
Attend this event and log 2 CPD points!
The Finance Summit is generously sponsored by RBS.
For expert advice visit