This introductory webinar will look to explore the following issues and how they interact with the planning system in both Wales and England:
- What are Listed Buildings and what is covered by such a designation?
- What is a Conservation Area, and what controls apply in such areas?
- Local heritage designations, what are they, and do they carry any weight in planning decisions?
- An explanation of Archaeological Areas
- Scheduled Ancient Monuments – what is the implication of such a designation?
- How can communities engage in this process and respond to potential developments affecting such areas?
The webinar will last approximately 3 hours, and include interactive exercises (as well as a break).

Wednesday 1 March, 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Members: £90 + VAT
Non-Members: £105 + VAT
CPD points
Claim 1 CPD point for attending this webinar!
Joining instructions will be sent to you 3 weeks before the event (please check your spam inbox) and your invoice will be sent before the event. We advise that, on receipt of the joining instructions, you are liable for any fees incurred in order to attend the event.

About the Trainers
Mark Jones, Planning Engagement Officer
Mark is a Chartered Town Planner and a corporate member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Mark has worked in both the public and private sector have been employed in town and country planning work since 1989. Mark has primarily specialised in advising developers on town planning matters, including delivering planning permissions for a wide variety of development types. In addition, he has worked for two national trade associations advising members, leading on various planning research projects, and negotiating on national planning policy matters in Wales and England. He has appeared at as an expert witness at numerous planning inquiries and has also provided evidence for House of Commons and House of Lords Committees.
Karen Probert, Planning Engagement Officer
Karen is a chartered member of the RTPI and has recently joined Planning Aid Wales. Karen spent five years at Powys County Council within the development management and planning policy teams gaining extensive experience of rural and urban land use issues facing communities across Powys. Karen has first-hand experience of working within planning departments in Wales and England and liaising with Town and Community Councils on planning and regeneration matters. In previous planning roles at Cardiff Council and Guildford Borough Council, Karen has extensive experience of devising and running community engagement programmes for public realm enhancement projects and obtaining funding for environmental improvement schemes.
Deb Jeffreys – Community Engagement and Development Officer with Planning Aid Wales
Deb currently works as Community Engagement and Development Officer with Planning Aid Wales, bringing nearly 20 years’ experience of working in the third sector to the role. Deb has worked in community development and engagement in some of the most deprived communities in Southeast Wales and experienced first-hand the value but also challenges in engaging people in civic life. Deb has worked closely with Wales Council of Voluntary Action and Community Voluntary Councils and supported community involvement in the development of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. Deb’s current focus in engaging Community & Town Councils and other community representatives in Planning Aid Wales’ work.
James Davies, Chief Executive
James is a chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and has worked at Planning Aid Wales for most of his planning career. James has extensive experience of devising planning guidance and training for communities. He has advised several local authorities on Local Development Plan engagement and has successfully delivered several Welsh Government funded projects to support community engagement in planning.
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SLCC is always keen to respond to members’ needs for training. If you would like to register an interest in having a particular course delivered via webinar or in your region, please let us know.