The Future of Local Councils report has been created from the results of a survey which was conducted across parish, town and community councils in England and Wales. This research is the result of a collaboration between SLCC and the Local Governance Research Centre at De Montfort University.
This short, FREE webinar will explore the findings and will examine what has been taken from the report, what it contributes to the sector, what was interesting or surprising, and what SLCC and the sector need to concentrate on for the future. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions.
We are delighted to be joined by a variety of sector colleagues from National Association of Local Councils (NALC), Local Government Association (LGA), Local Governance Research Centre at De Montfort University, and Lord Evans who will discuss how this reflects upon their report on Local Government Ethical Standards.

Wednesday 25 January, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Members: FREE
Non Members: FREE
CPD points
Claim 1 CPD point for attending this webinar!
Joining instructions will be sent to you before the event (please check your spam inbox). We advise that, on receipt of the joining instructions, you are liable for any fees incurred in order to attend the event.

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