Booking for this event is now closed.
We are delighted to announce that the 2022 SLCC and One Voice Wales (OVW) Joint Event will take place on Wednesday 9th November and will be delivered virtually.
The 2021 event was deemed as a great success by delegates, with 100% saying they benefited from the training and that the content was relevant to their needs.
Click on the agenda for more information.
This event will be delivered in English language.

9th November 2022, 9:30am – 4:30pm
£45 + VAT Members and Non-Members
You could be eligible for a bursary towards 50% of the cost. Click here to find out more.
CPD Points
Attend this event and log 2 CPD points!
Feedback from the 2021 delegates
“An informative session with relevant topics well worth attending.”
“Everything was delivered with exceptional quality. This was my first meeting and I gained lots of information which will help me progress.”
100% of attendees found the 2021 event beneficial to them and their council.
The SLCC & OVW Joint Event is generously sponsored by “CloudyIT – Proudly supporting IT services for councils, SLCC, NALC & ALCs”