Council: Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council

County: Oxfordshire

Salary: SCP SCP 18 – 23, £24,982 - £27,741, pay award pending

Closing date: 25/02/2022 17:00

Committee Clerk

Applications must be returned by 25/02/2022 17:00

Hours: 36 ½ Hours Per Week

Salary: SCP 18 – 23, £24,982 – £27,741, pay award pending

The Council is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and committed person to join its small team at its Roysse Court Offices.

The postholder will be responsible for ensuring comprehensive management of all Town Council and Committee meetings including publishing agendas, attending meetings and drafting minutes. The postholder will be a specialist or develop an expertise in governance and meetings and, amongst other duties, be responsible for ensuring that council decisions are documented and tracked in its management system.

Further details and application forms are available to download on the Council’s website

Or e-mail [email protected] for paper copies.

Closing date: Friday 25 February (1700 hrs).

Details of interview dates are on the website.