Latest round of Funding for Neighbourhood Plans

20 April 2021

The latest round of Government funding for groups, including town and parish councils, preparing neighbourhood plans in England opened this month.

In addition to that normally offered (including the £10,000 basic grant all groups eligible for preparing a neighbourhood plan are eligible for), it includes some new elements of support. These new elements include a new site viability package; extended and expanded support for affordable housing and time-limited support for groups wanting to bring forward schemes that will foster high street regeneration or provide useful social infrastructure.

Click here for more information.

Attend the Virtual Training Seminar on 23 June 2021, to hear more about this funding in the ‘Government’s reforms of the planning system’ session by Andrew Towlerton, SLCC Advisor.

Click here to view the full agenda and book your place.

Applicable in England onlyFundingGovernment Announcements/Legislation