Meeting with Cllr Keith Stevens and Steven Trice

24 October 2022

Cllr Keith Stevens and Steven Trice, NALC and SLCC’s chairs, met on 21 October and emphasised their commitment to develop a strong and effective partnership to support clerks, councillors and councils in delivering for their communities. They also reaffirmed their support for councils to be members of their county associations and NALC, and for clerks to be members of SLCC and be active in their county branches. They agreed to sign a protocol giving effect to these aspirations at the forthcoming SLCC annual conference which will also celebrate the society’s 50th anniversary.

The leadership of the two organisations will meet regularly to promote this partnership and deliver on some key joint projects including a workforce strategy, covering retention and recruitment, pay and other terms of employment. They will also continue to champion good governance and promote high standards of behaviour through the civility and respect project which will continue into 2023.

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