New 2019/20 President

22 October 2019

Congratulations to the new President, Linda Larter MBE FSLCC, whose appointment was unanimously confirmed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held the evening before National Conference. Linda has done much during her long career to articulate to Government and sector partners the views of the professional clerk and a more detailed profile of Linda appears on page 20 of the November edition of The Clerk magazine.

Linda’s theme for her year will be to promote the Profession of Clerks. Most clerks do not have the support departments that officers have in other sectors of local government and yet again and again they are delivering more diverse services in a professional manner, regardless of their size of council. During her year of office Linda has chosen to support two charities – Breast Cancer Now and Mencap.

Each year the SLCC President is supported with sponsorship from businesses within the local council sector. Linda sincerely thanks her sponsors for the next year and looks forward to working with them: Blachere Illuminations, Edge IT, Wellers Hedleys and Wicksteed.


Linda Larter MBE FSLCC, the new SLCC President

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