Parish Precepts in England 2020/21

3 June 2021

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has published information on council tax levels set by councils in England for the financial year 2021-22.

There are currently 10,239 councils in England of whom 8,876 raised a precept this year with an aggregate total of £618,060,608. The average Band D precept charged by local precepting bodies (including local councils) for 2021-22 will be £71.86, an increase of £1.97, or 2.8% from 2020-21.

It is also interesting to note that there are currently:

  • 5,268 parishes in England with precepts in excess of £10,000
  • There are 70 local councils in England with precepts in excess of £1M
  • 260 councils have precepts exceeding £500,000
  • 742 councils have precepts exceeding £200,000

Click here to view the full comparable precept statistics.

Applicable in England onlyGovernment Announcements/Legislation