Annual Return Errors Costing Councils Money

28 March 2019

The Chairman of the body procuring external auditors for local councils in England has expressed concern that more councils than previously are not responding to audit return requests or are making other errors which are costing councils a substantial amount of money.   Michael Attenborough-Cox, Chairman of SAAA Ltd, has said that, in respect of the Annual Governance and Audit Return (AGAR) for 2017/18, there were a substantial number of non responders and statutory deadlines were missed resulting in a significant number of statutory recommendations and public interest reports being issued; far greater than in previous years.  The costs to local councils has also been significant as a result of non compliance.

For those who are concerned about the coming AGAR for 2018/19, we have arranged a special webinar for next Tuesday 9th April at 10.30am.

To register for this important one hour course and ensure that your return is compliant, book your place here


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