Survey on Standards & Behaviour

9 December 2020

Workplace Bullying remains high on the list when it comes to members seeking advice from SLCC and our sector partners. The bottom line is that it can cause ill-health, it affects morale and is the cause of untold misery to people in this sector. Your concerns and representations at the Virtual National Conference, National Forum meeting and at Board level are at the forefront of the work we are doing on your behalf to bring about the changes which you have so rightly demanded to improve standards and professionalism across the local council sector.

In 2017, the SLCC commissioned Hoey Ainscough Associates, an organisation setup to support local government members and officers in ensuring effective local governance, to conduct the first piece of evidence-based research into professional standards. The high response rate to this survey delivered meaningful results that have been used to strengthen our compelling argument for change. We have now commissioned a further survey from Hoey Ainscough Associates which will provide comparative data and give an accurate snapshot of whether things have improved during that time or become worse.

The survey, which will take around 15 minutes to complete, can be accessed by clicking the button below and, as a thank you, we are offering respondents the chance to win one of 20 SLCC training vouchers worth £20 each. If you would like to be entered into the draw please ensure you enter your contact details at the end of the survey. The closing date for this survey will be Friday 15th January 2021.

Click here to take the survey.

Clerks who work for more than one council are invited to complete multiple survey entries and, please be assured that the data collected is for statistical purposes and all entries remain strictly confidential, your personal details will not be shared with any other parties other than Hoey Ainscough Associates.

Paul Hoey will be presenting results of the survey at the 2021 Practitioners’ Conference on Tuesday 24th February as part of the session on the Parish & Town Councils’ Toolkit where he will be joined by Deborah Evans, Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) Chief Executive and John Austin, Association of Democratic Services (ADSO) Chair.

We appreciate that your time is extremely valuable and you are currently working through the challenges of the pandemic but please try to complete the survey – your feedback can be the catalyst for change that is long overdue.

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